When you give an inch on freedoms they take a mile and then some... we all must know this, standing for it vs saying you stand for it is the rub. Lead by example and do so with love. Thank you for another though provoking article.
I almost lost my life, severely assulted for saying NO, to a kid (hurt person that hurts people). And I don't regret it. I found my spirit & thi spirit, in that darkness.
When you give an inch on freedoms they take a mile and then some... we all must know this, standing for it vs saying you stand for it is the rub. Lead by example and do so with love. Thank you for another though provoking article.
We couldn't agree more! Leading by the heart is key - it always knows the correct path ;)
My right to say NO, is half of everything that FREEDOM is. cbones.
I almost lost my life, severely assulted for saying NO, to a kid (hurt person that hurts people). And I don't regret it. I found my spirit & thi spirit, in that darkness.
Indeed …